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Relationships have been one of the primary subjects of my conversations recently. The older I become, the more I realize how important it is whom you allow to become a regular in your life. A friend recently told me to think of myself as the CEO of my life. As a CEO of a business, you wouldn't hire people who you don't feel meet the job description, have the best interest of the business in mind, or want to do their part to enhance the business. It's truly the same for your life. If the people you're around don't bring encouragement, positivity, or challenge you to grow, they are going to bring you down, just like a negligent employee would do to a business. 

Since moving to KC, I've been really intentional with my relationships and who I want to be a foundation in my life. It seems that today's generation is so fixated on letting someone's social media status, job description, or the number of zeros on a paycheck decide who they allow in their life. Instead, let's allow people into our lives that will be a listening ear when we need it, and call us out even when it's hard. Let's choose relationships that help shape us into the best version of ourselves. 

outfit details: jacket, c/o Choies // shoes, Just Fab // rings + jeans, XXI


  1. That whole business outtake on life is very inspirational and very true! It can be hard letting go or even letting someone new in to your life.
    Also, I love the jacket!

  2. I am constantly reminding myself of this!
    There was a quote I read once, that "the 5 people you spend the most time with are those who you become most like". So, their habits influence yours, etc. and I keep trying to remind myself this as time goes on!

    Great post, beautiful photos!

  3. I think that for so much of our lives, when we're younger and in school, our relationships are dictated by so many things that aren't really that important in the big scheme of things - proximity, our parents, our other friends, etc. Choosing to be intentional with your relationships is so important. It's something I'm still working on, and I suspect I'll always be working on, but it really does make such a difference.

    Wishing you a happy week!

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  4. ah, this is so so lovely and refreshing!
    and what?! i didn't know you lived in KC! GIRL i live in Central, Kansas, we've got to meet up and explore some stuff on a day trip sometime!

  5. This is such an inspirational post. I agree, as I've grown older I've come to appreciate "quality over quantity"!


  6. What an awesome idea - being the CEO of your own life. I dig it...and think I may need to fire some employees.


  7. Love this analogy will totally try to start using it in my own life :) Great post!

  8. Really inspirational post... wholeheartedly agree with your analogy. Our lives are our own stories in the making. xo


  9. You are such a beautiful person.
    This subject has been weighing heavily on me as of late. I get discouraged when I am lonely, but appreciate the fewer, stronger relationships for what they are. Thanks for the reminder. <3

  10. Beautiful shoulder details.

    Maggie A
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  11. Love your outfit. And I agree with what you said about the relationship.


  12. Just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Agree :) btw I always love your fashion
    - Hani

  14. yes, yes, & yes.
    relationships are about quality, not quantity.
    i am constantly telling friends to get rid of the toxins in their lives...and sometimes that means friendships they've allowed to fester and brew into something completely draining...and that isn't healthy.
    great words!

  15. Holy moly Kinsey, I needed this post this morning. I've been having a tough time with a difficult personality at work and it's been bogging me down big time. Thinking of myself as the CEO of my own life definitely puts things into perspective. Instead of letting these things eat me up, I have to sit down and think about what's best for the company called my life! It takes self-awareness and confidence to trim away the relationships that serve as dead ends, but it's so necessary for a productive, healthy lifestyle. Thank you for these words!

    Circus & Bloom

  16. Stunning post, such a lovely little read xo

  17. This is an inspirational post. I agree that we just have to be aware about who to let in into our lives. I am still considered pretty young, but I understand and realize how much a person can impact someone else's life. Anyway, lovely post!

    -Sandy :)

  18. Beautiful pic and beautiful girl! :-)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. "A friend recently told me to think of myself as the CEO of my life. As a CEO of a business, you wouldn't hire people who you don't feel meet the job description, have the best interest of the business in mind, or want to do their part to enhance the business. It's truly the same for your life..." -- What a great way to look at it. I, too, have become more aware of who I am close with and the health of the relationships I keep. It's so important to surround oneself with positive, encouraging and GENUINE people. It also just makes life more enjoyable when in good company. :)

    -Dee |


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